Alchemical Tours #1 – Diego Perez Lombardini

The interview  is with Diego Perez Lombardini. Diego is the only ‘mestizo’ or non Wixarika person to hold a position in the religious organization of San Andres Cohamiata, Tatei Kie. Currently he is the Kanareru of Tanana Xaturi and pilgrim with one of La Laguna’s ceremonial centers.

Diego Perez Lombardini is  a very talented musician and has composed evocative music from his time with the Wixarika tribe. A short extract of this music is included as part of the podcast as part of the interview, with Diego Perez Lombardini’s permission. We would ask people to download and financially support Diego and the musicians by going to :


Note: This is an early, unlisted version of the interview for reviewers and comments . We are still working on the editing and audio quality and copyright permission. A full release is envisaged as part of the launch of the new Alchemical Tours podcast.


For more details and contact details of the Alchemical Tours podcast, please see our web site:


Rights and copyright:

Peregrino music Copyright: Diego Pérez Lombardini, 2019

Rights  and copyright  of podcast reserved by Stephen Hinde and Alchemical Tours

Podcast theme music ‘Happy Pan Flute by MVM Production’s’ is licensed under the ‘standard license’

Some stock images used in the opening sequence are licensed from:  Shutterstock